Wednesday, June 15, 2005

ah.. its been awhile..

missed out quite alot, schools good, orientation was pretty boring, bla and bla.. been lectured by people lately,wish i knew what i was doing

had CG outing yesterday.. wish i was in a more perky mood to keep the kids spirit high..apparantly God did that, and the kids amused themselves pretty well.. thank God..

they came to my house and made a whole lot noise..pretty irritating, and it was impossible to gather them, cos when you call someone, one person will run away to play with the hose, drink water, kill ants, etc.. was soo irritated.. when they finally got organised, we managed to play some water bomb games, and they played this game that i recomanded..we got the game started and then i had to go upstairs to hunt down some rats..bro told me that there was some rat outburst..haha.. we caught the rat, after much struggle, and boiled it..tts how they kill rats, right..? when i went back downstairs, the game was in a mess and they had more fun. haha, thank God..rules are meant to be broken sometimes huh..

then we had some captains ball.. the girls were very rough, i dint dare to move much.. and the final score was like, 28-12? got thrashed real bad,although there were more guys in my team than the other one..

then we had BBQ.. started the fire very well, thank God.. and it was so hot that the grill caught fire a few times.. the guys took advantage of this and fan realllllllll hard towards the end of the BBQ so they can start a fire.. crazy kids..then they dance ard the pit like those red indians..( i suggested that, bad idea..) had to pour a pail of water on it, becos it was pretty scary.. they tried to stop me, but i won! muaha. like dion said, "first we play with water, than play with fire"

the girls then sat down and chat, while the guys invented some soccer game and were going crazy over it.. me? i was clearing up, haha..the cell helped me too,at the start of the clear up, and the guys were laughing at what happened, on the fire, and cindy's cooking..well, at least they had fun..haha..i decided to scrub the floor.. sean and leon helped me, and frankly they did it so they can play with water..but i am very grateful for them, leon is now known as the CG cook and the CG cleaner..haha..then we joined the guys for their soccer game.. cindy called them for some CG meeting but they guys were extremely rebellious.. i think she was angry at them, and called off the meeting.. then the ps2 was set up and they played some games, while screaming at the top of their lungs.. the girls went to the study room, chased me out after that.. tt was the peaceful time for me..haha..

suddenly, a second rat was found by the guys.. wont forget shawn and nick's scream yo.. we caught it, with much ease this time, and boiled it.. soon, all the members went home, cept for the few who stayed..

guys played ps2 till 5.45.. cindy and sherryl went to bed at ard 2.. i slept ard 2 too, was too tired, and was feeling pretty down.. anyway, wished i had stayed up with them..haha..i dint really know what happen while i was asleep, but i think they had fun.. woke up the lastest too, donno why.. went to catch some shut eye in the master bed room, but was caught later.. haha.. doono why so tired..and why those who slept so little were so energised..

went to the shopping point after that, then had dinner and went home.. guys played some daytona..yeah, i sua ku.. then i went back to school to collect my o lvl cert, spent the day with Jemo..he sure cheered me up, haha..played arcade and bought case for faith.. tomorrow got pw ..argh..

really wish i was in the mood for the cg outing.. but it worked out pretty well, thank God.. hope the peeps had fun.. starting to feel so tired due to cell it right ísn't so eazy.. and catching up with their interest is worse.. argh..

"smile on the inside, that never comes in"
JOC- Sad clown